Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Green Bay Bikini Girls

I've been meaning to get this posted but I couldn't get the picture downloaded from my phone till today. So this is about 2 weeks late now but still worth it.

If you didn't catch the Packers and Giants NFC Championship then you missed out on the best camera work ever in a freezing cold football game. Usually when you're watching a game that is 20 degrees or below, the camera man subjects you to the cruel image of some over-weight, beer bellied, hairy chested man wearing overalls. But not this time. The FOX camera man gave us the shot of the year as 3 very cute young ladies were dressed in jeans with only a bikini top in Packer yellow. They held up a sign that poked fun at Tony Romo that read "Favre, Thanks for not going to Mexico Love Bikini Girls".

Cheers to FOX producers for this shot.


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