Diamondbacks P Jason Grimsley open up new can of worms for MLB

Grimsley had been the subject of a federal investigation since April and was just recently busted by the fed investigators with two "kits" of HGH, otherwise known as the human growth hormone. The two kits were to be his year supply of the drug. He has been cooperating with the investigators and volunteered names of players that he has known or seen using HGH. I read part of the warrant issued for this search of his home and in that he list at least 10 players. Keep in mind that he has played for 7 teams in his 17 year career so that list of players could range from superstars to the unknown. He played with the Phillies from 89-91, Indians 93-95, Angels 96, Yankees 99-00, Royals 01-03, Orioles 04-05 and the Diamondbacks 06.
Here's part of what was included in the search warrant:
When asked what other current MLB players used athletic performance-enhancing drugs, Grimsley named former players (name blacked out) and (name blacked out). Grimsley stated that this past winter , (name blacked out) told him of a doctor in Florida that he was using at a "wellness center" to obtain HGH. (Name blacked out) told him, "if you are going to do this, you should do it right." (Name blacked out) told Grimsley that he has blood work done by this doctor. (Name blacked out) first told Grimsley about the doctor in Florida last winter.
Grimsley was asked about his knowledge of other MLB players who took anabolic steroids. Grimsley named, (name blacked out), (name blacked out) whom Grimsley stated was very obvious and had the worst back acne heÂd ever seen and (name blacked out) as anabolic steroid users. Grimsley also stated that (name blacked out) had a doctor in Colorado that supplied him (name blacked out) with amphetamines.
I'd type more but the story just keeps going on and on. Click here for the link to the whole document to read.
If you thought MLB was done having to worry about Congress looking over it's shoulder well this is going to bring congress face to face again w/MLB leaders. This time I'm sure congress won't hesitate to lay the hammer and set the drug testing guidelines for baseball.
Thanks to Grimsley we might have a pure clean sport one day where we donÂt have to question whether heÂs taking some type of steroid.
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