My first installment of "What were you thinking"

I'm going to start a new subject line or rather finally begin one. I'm calling it "What were you thinking" for those out there in the sports world that make either dumb plays or make stupid off field decisions.
This first edition will start with Ben Rothlisberger, who was involved in an accident today with his motorcycle. There are no details available yet as to whom was at fault but what is known is that Big Ben's bike collided head on to a car and he was tossed off the bike an into the car's windshield. He suffered a 9 inch cut on the back of his head, lost some teeth and has knee injuries from hitting the payment. He is in serious but stable condition as of this afternoon.
To think that this could've been avoided, the injuries that is, as Big Ben being the risk taker he likes to be, refused to wear a helmet while riding. He received stern advice from Pittsburgh Coach Bill Cowher, his mom, teammates and former Steelers QB Terry Bradshaw to wear the helmet. He says that he is a careful driver and says as long as the law says you don't have to wear a helmet he won't, likes the freedom without it while he's driving.
Where he earns my "What were you thinking" Award for stupidity is that he knew the dangers of motorcycles and chose to ignore them. He should've learned the lessons of previous athletes involved in motorcycle accidents. Two of those high profile athletes were Cleveland Brown's TE Kellen Winslow Jr and NBA Bulls Guard Jason Williams. Winslow’s accident was just last year when he hit a curb at 35 mph and tore ligaments in his knee forcing him to miss the entire 2005 season. In 2003, Jason Williams crashed his bike into a light pole, fracturing his pelvis, tore knee ligaments and damaged nerves in his left leg. He has yet to return back to basketball. What Ben doesn’t understand or chose to ignore is that since he’s the starting QB he is the face and leader of the team, meaning that if he fails they fail and that in turn effects teammates play which correlates to money.
Why on earth with all the money available now and in the future would you risk your life and career riding a motorcycle without a helmet? Ben should be lucky to still be alive after flying off his bike into the windshield of a car. I think he'll learn a big lesson from this and maybe stay far far away from motorcycles.
what an idiot!
Couldn't agree more!
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