For those of you still wondering what's going on with me and my blog I just wanted to give you a quick update. After much thinking I have decided to take a much longer break from this, maybe even a permanent break. Since I've started my new job last week and trying to get into the gym consistently and my softball season now underway I just don't think I will have the time nor the patience to write on here anymore. I know some of you, okay maybe a couple of you, will be disappointed but it really is for the best thing for me.
The only reason I really started this blog was to take my mind off the fact that I was depressed about my life. Writing about sports was a way for me to take my mind off my crappy job, my weight and lack of money. My girlfriend and sports were the only things holding me up for a while. Now that I don't have her anymore I have to focus on making me happy with me.
So I'm working on getting to a point where I'm happy with my job and good at it, have recovered my confidence by getting in shape and have most, if not all of my bills paid off. I'm tired of constantly being broke to the point where I have to make up excuses for why I can't do something. I want to be able to fly to Las Vegas if I so choose or finally get down to Jacksonville to see my friend and his wife.
Once I've accomplished all of that and reached the point where I'm confident again and happy with myself then I'll think of getting back on here. So basically check back in Jan 2007, maybe then I'll post my Superbowl prediction.
Thanks for understanding and support.