Braves closer/blower is officially on my Shit list

I sat through the first half of the Braves season last year watching the inept Dan Kolb blow save after save as if he's giving money to charity. Well this season it seems to be Chris Reitsma's turn. Once again he blew a save opportunity tonight for the Braves. We had a hard fought 9-8 lead entering the bottom 9th when he took the mound. But as with last year, you just knew Reitsma would blow it. I get that feeling every time he takes the mound w/a lead nowadays.
This was his 10th save opportunity and he's only coverted 7 of them, that's not a good percentage. His ERA before this blown save was a mind numbing 5.71. Here's his season stat line, again tonight not included.
17.1 Innings pitched....22 Hits......11 Runs, 11 Earned Runs....4 HR...4BB and only 8K's
Where is John Smoltz when you need him, oh yeah, he's a starter again.
God I just had a horrible flash back about f'in-Kolb
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