My 2008 Daytona 500 video of one lap
Just wanted those who've never been to a race in person how fast these cars are traveling. The Daytona track is 2.5 miles long and they complete one lap in 48 seconds.
This blog is dedicated to keeping friends and fellow fans up to date on current sports news and for expressing my opinions. It's also a forum for other miscellanious things.
Just wanted those who've never been to a race in person how fast these cars are traveling. The Daytona track is 2.5 miles long and they complete one lap in 48 seconds.
The 2008 Clemson Football schedule was released today. It includes three D-1AA games against Citadel, S. Carolina State and Duke. Wait, Duke?
This has to be one of the more bizarre recruiting stories I've ever heard. This HS kid named Kevin Hart in a small town of Nevada made up and lived in a lie he created six months ago that just came to a crashing halt two days ago.
Harris Poll, the leader in Polls, released a poll recently on America's most popular sports. And as would be expected Professional Football leads the way in the American Sports landscape.
Yes there is such a thing and if you can afford it you can buy a $7 million policy. Just ask Tom Jones. He approached Llyod's of London about covering his famous chest hair and they of course agreed because they insure just about anything for the right celebrity. They have insured the legs of Fred Astaire, Angie Dickinson and Heidi Klum. They've also covered Liberace's hands, Keith Richards's fingers and off course the amazing rumph of Jennifer Lopez. So chest hair isn't that shocking but still, chest hair? I mean whats going to happen? Someone going to break into his home and take the clippers to his Austin Powers like chest? Maybe he'll have an accident lighting some candles or maybe his grille will blow up. So does having chest hair been he can't pluck one or two here and there. What are the limits, can he file a claim when he takes off his t-shirt and some hairs come with it? Guess he won't pull at Steve Carrell moment anytime soon and get his chest hair waxed... ah Kelly Clarkson.
I found this little, pardon the pun, gem today. It's a video done by a local reporter on an 11 year old boy that has basketball skills far beyond his age. Lord knows I'm sure college basketball recruiters are already nipping at the bud to get this kid on campus.
My reasons for pulling for the ______...
For some reason I like Chris Berman even more after watching this video of him exploding. Guessing someone didn't like the nickname he gave them. Here's the dark side of broadcasting we're not privileged to.